Friday 30 November 2007

Top 3 things glad we've got out of the way

1. Wedding venue and date set - thank goodness. Shame it's on a Thursday! But we're not prepared to wait 2 years to get married on a weekend!

2. The wedding dress is picked. So no need to worry about the bride to be getting stressed because she can't find the perfect dress. In fact, she had it picked before we picked the wedding venue. I secretly suspect that she picked the wedding venue to match the dress...

3. The ring has been placed on her finger. And the money has been sucked out of my account. Now all I need to do is start saving for the wedding...


I'm loving it really!

Tuesday 13 November 2007

Looking at venues

As we battle the tide of questions asking "have you set a date... YET", we've started to look at venues for the wedding reception.

1. Was slightly disappointed that out of 7 venues visited, only 3 venues offered us a cup of tea. We didn't even get a cup of tea at the really expensive Culloden Estate and Spa. Maybe we should have dressed up a bit more for that one. They probably saw us from afar in our jeans and immediately thought, "timewasters"...

2. Was there ever at time when weekend dates for weddings didn't book up at least 2 years in advance?

3. Would you pay £30 per head for seat covers??? OK, they do cover the entire chair, but still!!! If I did that, I think I'd have to ban people from removing their jackets and putting them over the seat. I'd want to get full value out of my seat covers!

Monday 5 November 2007


Had a bit of a celebration with some friends this weekend. And, because it was getting close to that time of year, Heavy Isotope D spotted a two-for-one offer on fireworks. So we decided to scorch the earth of Nipring's garden...

1. Cool picture of fireworks
2. Fun with sparklers... Looks like Mrs Heavy Isotope D is attempting a bit of 'force lightning' in the background.

3. And finally, how NOT to set off fireworks. Shops probably shouldn't be selling fireworks to us!

Probably best summed up by a txt message from my fiance: "Take care wit the firewrks!" She knows me too well...

In our defence, we did have a large bucket of water for the sparklers and a hose at the ready (although water and burning magnesium don't really mix too well...)