Tuesday 27 February 2007

Relaxing in LAX

Not a great start to the US portion of the trip.

1. At check in, found that Gazman and I were assigned the middle two seats of the 4 in the middle of the aircraft. If you're as tall as Gazman, that means serious knee injury when the seat in front decides to recline. Forgot to remove my Leatherman pocketknife from my backpack (been taking it along for the various hiking trips) so it got confiscated at security. Then the Qantas flight was delayed by an hour and there was no place to sit at the departure gates.

2. The in-flight entertainment selection was excellent - included most of the oscar nominated films, however it broke down halfway through the flight. Thankfully, there was only one incident of comedy clambering over fast asleep occupant of aisle seat to go to toilet. However, the Qantas flight didn't make up any time in the air, due to quite a lot of turbulence over the Pacific (first time I think I've crossed that ocean) so I ended up missing my connecting flight to Denver and had to wait at least an extra 3.5 hours at Los Angeles International Aiport before I could get on the next flight. And I was only on standby as that flight was booked out, so potentially, I could have a 7 hour wait for the next aircraft.

That said, I got a $15 food voucher to spend at the airport from Qantas. Given that I would have a 2 hour drive to Leadville to get to KZ's place upon landing in Denver (which could have been as late as 11pm), I decided to splash some cash on booking a hotel near Denver airport instead. So, bought a paper, a brie baguette and large mocha and wandered round the airport trying to get the feeling back into my legs after an 11 hour flight.

3. Amazingly, I got the last standby place on the 3:05pm flight (lucky as there were 10 people waiting for a standby seat). However the flight didn't leave until 4pm. No food served (unless you were in busines class), but I ordered a tea from the beverage service. Big mistake - I got hot water poured on top of creamer and a Lipton 'tea' bag. If you come to N. America, bring your own tea bags. At least NZ had decent tea (see blog with Gaz pointing to Billy tea sign). Got to the airport and hired the car (Subaru Outback - I was persuaded that I'd be rubbish driving along icy mountain roads covered in snow so upgraded to an All-Wheel Drive model - but it's definitely a cut above the Toyota Corollas we've been driving of late). However, really having to concentrate with remembering to stay on the 'right', right side of the road. The second left turn is always the worst - you're so nervous about the first one that you're extra careful and then get over confident after that! Also the indicator lever is on the other side of the steering wheel to Australia and NZ (though correct for UK), so more comedy windscreen wiper action when I'm turning! This car even has electrically operated seat controls. The words, "no need" spring to mind. Anyway, average temperature in Denver's about 0 deg C and it's dark by 6pm. Think the body's gone into season shock, wondering why it hasn't gone through autumn.

Thoroughly enjoyed NZ and Australia, guess I'd better post my favourite 3 things to do in NZ here too. Watch the space above this post...

Sunday 25 February 2007

Gazman's 3 favourite places in NZ

Yeah, OK, it's a slightly misleading blog as it was all good and if we had our way, we'd stay a lot longer and actually a top 10 of places probably wouldn't be enough either!

1. Fox Glacier
2. Wai-O-Tapu
3. Tongariro Crossing

Thursday 22 February 2007

3 of da_tonester's favourite things to do in NZ

1. Hike the Tongariro Crossing

2. Cruise around the Milford Sound

3. Eat Glacier mints freshly mined from the Fox Glacier (well, ok, maybe not... But hiking round the Fox Glacier in crampons definitely!

Sunday 18 February 2007

Milling around in Milford Sound

Well, this place may have spectacular fiords (check out Gazman in his Starfleet top).

Photo: Milford Sound (though it should be called Milford Fiord as it was created by glacial erosion, not by rivers). Model: (Captain James T.) Gazman

But then...

1. We're staying in an 8 person male dorm in the YHA in Te Anau. And we've got top bunks and
snoring in surround sound. The guy who sounds like he's inhaling his blanket kept me amused for a minute or two, but then he kept me awake for much longer.

2. To get this picture, we had to hike for an hour and a half up a hill and I've got massive blisters on both heels of my feet now....

Photo: Key Summit

3. Didn't get attacked by the sandflies, but then that was probably because of the mosi-guard insect repellent I put on, which was pungent enough to make my stomach feel pretty uneasy. It could probably repel fur seals too...

Photo: Milford Sound. Models: sunbathing fur seals

Yeah OK, I'm really just trying to make you feel better.

Saturday 17 February 2007

Dunedin details and Otago Peninsula pointers

So many things happening, so little space to fit them into a blog.

1. Dunedin models itself on a certain Scottish city and is probably the most Scottish city in New Zealand (there's a statue of Robert Burns in the Octagonal city centre). This was the view from the rooftop garden of our YHA hostel. Apparently it's also home to Bell tea which Gazman and I have been drinking a lot of for breakfast. Given Brett Lee is doing wonders advertising Weetbix, maybe these guys should see what Belly's up to...

Photo: Dunedin and big Bell Tea building. Model: Gazman pointing excitedly
2. Nearby on the way to the Otago peninsula from Dunedin, you'll come across Larnach castle. The only castle in New Zealand. Obviously built as protection from the ferocious brown kiwis...??? Apparently built in the late 1800s by a very rich New Zealander of Scottish descent. Much of the stuff was imported from the UK so must have cost a fortune. Worringly, it also has a 'dairy dungeon' - Probably where cows were imprisoned if they didn't meet their milk quota.

Photo: Larnach Castle.
Still, if you're going to build a castle anywhere, you might as well build it with this view...

Photo: Otago Peninsula viewed from Larnach Castle. Model: Da_Tonester

3. Finally, the Otago peninsula is home to a lot of wildlife. From the spotted shag, to fur seals basking on the rocks, to common sea gulls (though Albatrosses also frequent the area) wandering around the car park, there's a fair amount of bird life here to complement the views. Penguins abound as well, but didn't see any since they're only around in the morning and at night.

Photo: Spotted Shag

Photo: Fur Seals basking on rocks

Photo: seagulls in the carpark. Model: Da_tonester reading map (but seagulls seem to know where they're going)

3 pictures of Taupo

An excuse for some pictures which I think are quite nice on the blog:

1. Gazman Kayaking on Lake Taupo

Photo: Kayaking on Lake Taupo. Model: Gazman

2. Gazman, 5 seconds later kayaking on Lake Taupo

Photo: (Still) Kayaking on Lake Taupo. Model: Gazman

3. Panorama of Lake Taupo at sunset (ooh... pretty)

Photo: Lake Taupo at sunset

Wednesday 14 February 2007

Changing down a gear in Christchurch

1. Arrived in Christchurch yesterday afternoon and spent a romantic Valentine's Day with er... Da_Tonester and Gazman um... err... down the pub (well two actually). Probably the happiest day of Da_Tonester's trip though as we found the Twisted Hop pub which actually served beer at about 10 deg C and wasn't fizzy. An actual real ale pub!

Photo: The Twisted Hop pub. Models: Happy Gazman and Da_Tonester with tears of joy

We ate earlier in the Loaded Hog which also had it's own range of beers, but in the more usual NZ beer style. Pretty hefty portions. Sitting around us were all the couples that had failed to secure a Valentine's Day reservation at the more romantic spots in Christchurch ;-)

Anyway, today, Da_Tonester's off to the cinema to watch films that came out in the UK at least 6 weeks ago, I'm probably going to check out the Christchurch art gallery which means you'll have to look at Gazman's blog to find out what there is to do in Christchurch.

2. Went Whale Watching in Kaikoura in the morning before heading down to Christchurch. We saw:

a. Two sperm whales, one of which was called Tutu (we immediately nicknamed it Desmond)

Photo: Marine Life. Model: 'Desmond'

Photo: The Big money tail shot. Model: 'Desmond's tail

b. A pod of dolphins.

Photo: Pod of Dolphins. Models: Dusky Dolphins

Photo: Pod of Dolphins. Models: Dusky Dolphins, Da_tonester and Gazman taking photos

Tuesday 13 February 2007

Starting South Island Sightseeing

Busy day today, up at 6:00am to do the following 3 things:

1. Caught the Cook Strait ferry from Wellington to Picton - very scenic ferry journey through the Marlborough sounds.

Photo: View of Wellington from back of the Cook Strait Ferry

2. Sampled wine at 4 of the Marlborough region vineyards (Pinot Noir, Sauvignon Blanc and Chardonnay mainly).

3. Picturesque drive along East coast of the South Island to Kaikoura in preparation for our whale watching trip tomorrow.

Would write more and post photos but so sleepy now... sAJasdzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Saturday 10 February 2007

New Zealand normality

3 things in New Zealand so far:

1. Tongariro Crossing - great day hike, amazing landscapes and a knackering climb up something called the Devil's Staircase.

Photo: Top of Devil's Staircase looking towards Mt Ngarauahoe (probably spelt that wrong). Apparently used for the close-ups on Mount Doom. Model: Pol

Photo: Red Crater Models: Gazman, Da_Tonester

Photo: Red Crater - picture for hanging on Da_Tonester's toilet door. Model: Da_Tonester

Photo: The Emerald Lakes. Model: Da_Tonester

Photo: Looking out across to the end of the hike. Models: Pol, Gazman, Da_Tonester

2. Why-Oh Wai-O-Tapu - geysers and sulphurous lakes - you don't get this kind of thing in the UK! Photo: Lady Knox Geezer (no, sorry, Geyser) in Wai-O-Tapu - before it's been 'induced' using washing powder. Photo: Gazman, Da_Tonester

Photo: Sign says it all really. Chemistry applied to the tourist industry! Model: Da_Tonester and tourists

Photo: The Devil's Bathtub (apparently). Model: Da_Tonester

Photo: "No Fear" Models: Da_Tonester and Gazman. Showing 'no fear' as they look at the inferno crater.

3. Zorbing - rolling down a hill in an inflatable ball. Haven't laughed so much all holiday! If you've wondered what it would feel like to be a shirt inside a washing machine (though probably of more interest might be as a sock as you could then find out where all those missing socks end up), then go for a 'hydrozorb' experience.

Photo: Man zorbing down hill Model: Zorbonaut / nutter :-)
Photo: Zorb at end of 'the run' Model: dizzy, happy, disorientated very wet zorbonaut
Gazman, Da_Tonester and I did get dressed up - you'll no doubt be able to see a picture on Gazman's blog. however, no pictures exist of the run we did (3 of us in a zorb with the hydrozorb experience)

Tuesday 6 February 2007

Moving around Manly

Been staying in Manly thanks to the generous hospitality of Clintandnats.

1. Took my first ever dip (that I can remember) in a 50m pool! It was a tidal pool as well - which means it's by the ocean and all the water comes from the incoming surf. It was however, absolutely knackering, being used to UK 30m pools. Could barely do 2 lengths of it (with long pause in the middle)! Did slightly better when I went for a dip today though - managed to do 100m freestyle and 300m backstroke. That's the thing about swimming - painful and tiring when you first start off, but over time, you start to get stronger and your fitness improves dramatically which makes it easier!

2. Spit to Manly coastal walk - one of the best hikesI've been on in Oz (and 'The Spit' is the name of a place, rather than you having to hock phlegm in the direction of Manly while you're walking). Not great if you don't like geckos and lizards as I saw tens of the things scurrying away from me.

3. Beach. Great for a wander at night. Saw a frogmouth owl - apparently pretty rare and possums and bandicoots. I can see why they created a computer game called Crash Bandicoot, 'cos those bandicoots are FAST. Probably because they need to run away from the frogmouth owls!

Photo: Shelley Beach, Model: Bush-tailed Possum.

Photo: Shelley Beach Model: Bandicoot

Sunday 4 February 2007

Hunter Valley Happiness

Hunter Valley - home to over 300 wineries. 3 things I learnt about the region;

1. Vines are meant to survive in harsh climates - they grow around other plants and outcompete them for sunlight and nutrients. In a sense, you don't want a large yield of grapes as the flavour compounds held within the grapes are then spread out over lots of grapes and diluted down.

2. Hunter Valley Semillion and Shiraz tastes pretty unique. The Wyndham Estate Semillion has a very acid / sharp finish. Wyndham Estate Hunter Valley Shiraz actually tastes of olives rather than the usual peppery plum fruit.

3. Hunter's also famous for it's cheeses. However, given it costs around £10-20 for a block of cheddar or brie, I wasn't too keen to buy cheese. Buying wine can get fairly expensive in Hunter Valley (even though you're practically buying it at source!)

Friday 2 February 2007

The Blue Mountains

Hop in a car and drive West of Sydney for an hour and you'll eventually get to the Blue Mountains. Apparently the blue is caused by fine droplets of oil being dispersed into the air by the eucalyptus trees which diffracts the light to cause the blue colouring. 3 pictures of the Blue Mountains:

This blog is slightly out of sync - went to the Blue Mountains the weekend before Australia Day!

Photo: The 3 Sisters

Photo: Blue Mountains. one of the 3 sisters in the foreground.


Photo: Waterfall - View from Skycar