Wednesday 14 February 2007

Changing down a gear in Christchurch

1. Arrived in Christchurch yesterday afternoon and spent a romantic Valentine's Day with er... Da_Tonester and Gazman um... err... down the pub (well two actually). Probably the happiest day of Da_Tonester's trip though as we found the Twisted Hop pub which actually served beer at about 10 deg C and wasn't fizzy. An actual real ale pub!

Photo: The Twisted Hop pub. Models: Happy Gazman and Da_Tonester with tears of joy

We ate earlier in the Loaded Hog which also had it's own range of beers, but in the more usual NZ beer style. Pretty hefty portions. Sitting around us were all the couples that had failed to secure a Valentine's Day reservation at the more romantic spots in Christchurch ;-)

Anyway, today, Da_Tonester's off to the cinema to watch films that came out in the UK at least 6 weeks ago, I'm probably going to check out the Christchurch art gallery which means you'll have to look at Gazman's blog to find out what there is to do in Christchurch.

2. Went Whale Watching in Kaikoura in the morning before heading down to Christchurch. We saw:

a. Two sperm whales, one of which was called Tutu (we immediately nicknamed it Desmond)

Photo: Marine Life. Model: 'Desmond'

Photo: The Big money tail shot. Model: 'Desmond's tail

b. A pod of dolphins.

Photo: Pod of Dolphins. Models: Dusky Dolphins

Photo: Pod of Dolphins. Models: Dusky Dolphins, Da_tonester and Gazman taking photos

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