Thursday 26 April 2007

3 things that can kill you

Well, you never know, it might be a vampire bat...

OK, you'd probably only come a cropper if you were at the top of Ayres Rock, didn't see the lizard, tripped over it and fell to your death.

Yeah, it's a cockatoo. But Da_tonester looks very scared of it!!!

More wildlife pictures to follow. And maybe some cake. or some death... And other obscure comedy references...

Monday 16 April 2007

Wetsuit Wackiness

Australia and New Zealand are starting to seem like a long time ago. Doesn't mean to say you can't do fun stuff in the UK too!

1. So, joining in with the wetsuit pictures posted by Gazman and mattandjules, here's 'my first wetsuit' picture. Taken on Whitesands beach, on the North Coast of Northern Island, after bodyboarding. Eat your heart out Australia...

2. Computer games! If you've not played these games, you should - they're absolutely hilarious!

Particularly good for those practising the air guitar!!!

Incredibly funny watching the faces of people playing the bongos!

3. BBQ'd lobster for the first time! Not entirely sure why my parents had a lobster in the freezer, but I'm not going to complain too much...

Sunday 1 April 2007

Admittedly omitting Auckland

To be fair, Gazman's probably covered Auckland, but I've spotted a couple of holes in my blog and of course and excuse to put yet more pictures up on show. Having taken somewhere in the region of 1400 - photos and video clips, I can probably put on the holiday slide show from hell!!!!

So, Auckland the third time we were there was blessed with sunshine! We spent one day on Rangitoto island. This place had

1. Great views of Auckland

2. Nice hiking weather

3. Lava caves??!!??