Monday 16 April 2007

Wetsuit Wackiness

Australia and New Zealand are starting to seem like a long time ago. Doesn't mean to say you can't do fun stuff in the UK too!

1. So, joining in with the wetsuit pictures posted by Gazman and mattandjules, here's 'my first wetsuit' picture. Taken on Whitesands beach, on the North Coast of Northern Island, after bodyboarding. Eat your heart out Australia...

2. Computer games! If you've not played these games, you should - they're absolutely hilarious!

Particularly good for those practising the air guitar!!!

Incredibly funny watching the faces of people playing the bongos!

3. BBQ'd lobster for the first time! Not entirely sure why my parents had a lobster in the freezer, but I'm not going to complain too much...


MattandJules said...

Paul, I love you sometimes! Hilarious as always. And oh so sexy. That wetsuit pic has knocked matt right off the podium. good Old NI :)

Gaz man said...

You're right - Australia and New Zealand seem like a very very long time ago. In fact, did we actually ever go there?