Friday 20 February 2009


I was rubbish at statistics at school. Ironic that my job involves trying to remember my A-Level statistics at the moment.

I'm actually trying to backup my blog. Just in case Google decide they want to make some money out of this service at start charging bloggers for their entries. Plus, sometimes you just can't beat having something to read where you don't have to turn a computer on to access.

So, in copying all my blogs to a word document, I've found that I've written approximately 13,000 words over the past 3 years. I'm sure that nearly amounts to a PhD thesis. But instead, I've wasted all that time writing a blog of inane ramblings.

I guess I've got to smile!

Is this my book? You know what they say, "everyone's got a book inside them". Now, I didn't say it would be a particularly good book!

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