Saturday 10 February 2007

New Zealand normality

3 things in New Zealand so far:

1. Tongariro Crossing - great day hike, amazing landscapes and a knackering climb up something called the Devil's Staircase.

Photo: Top of Devil's Staircase looking towards Mt Ngarauahoe (probably spelt that wrong). Apparently used for the close-ups on Mount Doom. Model: Pol

Photo: Red Crater Models: Gazman, Da_Tonester

Photo: Red Crater - picture for hanging on Da_Tonester's toilet door. Model: Da_Tonester

Photo: The Emerald Lakes. Model: Da_Tonester

Photo: Looking out across to the end of the hike. Models: Pol, Gazman, Da_Tonester

2. Why-Oh Wai-O-Tapu - geysers and sulphurous lakes - you don't get this kind of thing in the UK! Photo: Lady Knox Geezer (no, sorry, Geyser) in Wai-O-Tapu - before it's been 'induced' using washing powder. Photo: Gazman, Da_Tonester

Photo: Sign says it all really. Chemistry applied to the tourist industry! Model: Da_Tonester and tourists

Photo: The Devil's Bathtub (apparently). Model: Da_Tonester

Photo: "No Fear" Models: Da_Tonester and Gazman. Showing 'no fear' as they look at the inferno crater.

3. Zorbing - rolling down a hill in an inflatable ball. Haven't laughed so much all holiday! If you've wondered what it would feel like to be a shirt inside a washing machine (though probably of more interest might be as a sock as you could then find out where all those missing socks end up), then go for a 'hydrozorb' experience.

Photo: Man zorbing down hill Model: Zorbonaut / nutter :-)
Photo: Zorb at end of 'the run' Model: dizzy, happy, disorientated very wet zorbonaut
Gazman, Da_Tonester and I did get dressed up - you'll no doubt be able to see a picture on Gazman's blog. however, no pictures exist of the run we did (3 of us in a zorb with the hydrozorb experience)

1 comment:

MattandJules said...

I remember our conversation in Sydney well, and must try out the zorbing with a bucket of water-looks crazy. Looking forward to NewZealand. We've just got back to Alice from a mental adventure tour in the outback, where dingos were sniffing round us in our swags at Kings Canyon. Some great people on the trip. All 17 of us are sat sufferng from our party-ing hard in Alice till 230am, bit silly seeing as we'd been up since 430am the morning before to hike. Was 50 degrees in the desert at 1pm. Was 36 degrees at 9am, crazy. Fly to New Zealand on Weds, yippee. Another 10 weeks in a van-marvellous :)

Takes Care

Jules & Matt